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Osteoarthritis / Ostheoarthrosis

  1. IVR
  2. Diseases and conditions
  3. Osteoarthritis / Ostheoarthrosis

 Causes and symptoms

Osteoarthritis or ostheoarthrosis is a non-inflammatory degenerative joint disease that causes pain and limited mobility, deformation of intra-articular structures.

 “Blunt” pain tends to occur after exercises, especially repetitive, as well as due to injuries, hormonal disorders, poor posture, a weak muscular system, obesity and intake of alcohol and certain medicines (hormonal and those that affect calcium production). These factors lead to impaired nutrition of cartilaginous tissue, production of synovial fluid and accumulation of calcium salts, thus resulting in slow destruction of the joints.

There are two most common forms of ostheoarthrosis:

  1.  Hip ostheoarthrosis (coxarthrosis) is characterized by low elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus and thinning of cartilage causing stiffness and pain in the hip, groin or gluteal parts of the body.
  2.  Knee ostheoarthrosis (or gonarthrosis) may initially cause knee stiffness and eventually the crunching of knees and painful joints when walking and deformation of the lower extremities.

Insufficient mobility in the knee joints results in an additional load on the spine, hip and ankle joints that provokes the development of coxarthrosis, flat feet and hernias of intervertebral discs. Coxarthrosis of the 3rd degree usually involves surgery, which includes a joint prosthesis, so do not delay a visit to the doctor and begin the treatment process!

How do we eliminate the causes of ostheoarthrosis (and its forms – gonarthrosis and coxarthrosis) at the Institute of Vertebrology and Rehabilitation?

The Institute of Vertebrology and Rehabilitation strives to eliminate not only symptoms but also causes of the disease

  • Physiotherapy is used to improve the metabolic processes.
  • Massage and courses of exercise according to the Finnish-German David method help to improve nutrition of the joints and strengthen the muscular system.

How do we treat coxarthrosis on DAVID medical stimulators?

On admission to the Center for the treatment of osteoarthritis, the patient undergoes a computer-based testing on a number of stimulators under the supervision of the attending physician and rehabilitation specialist and then an individual program of rehabilitation by movement is developed for the patient.

For coxarthrosis of 1st and 2nd degrees, we effectively use treatment by movement on David medical stimulators. The results are:

  1. elimination of symptoms such as weakness and discoordination,
  2. elimination of pain and muscle spasms,
  3. strengthening of the ligaments and muscular system after injuries
  4. ONLY during movement joints get enough nutrition and synovial fluid is produced.
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