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Spondylarthrosis and spondylolisthesis

  1. IVR
  2. Diseases and conditions
  3. Spondylarthrosis and spondylolisthesis


Spondylarthrosis is a disease related to dehydration of intervertebral disks and decreased elasticity of joints.

Usually elderly people, sportsmen and people with very intense physical activity suffer from spondyloarthrosis. Only  in 10% of cases, the risk of the disease  develops in patients aged between 25 and 35.

Also the high-risk group includes those who are diagnosed with osteochondrosis: over the years the height of intervertebral discs decreases, and increased pressure on the joints causes wearing and inflammation of cartilaginous tissues of discs.

Early in the course of the disease, when the pain syndrome is absent, a course of therapeutic massage, therapeutic exercises or swimming can be recommended.

If the severe pain syndrome has already developed, the patient also needs a more thoroughgoing treatment including among other things physiotherapeutic procedures and anti-inflammatory therapy.

It should be followed with accurately set special physical loads on the painful area. We recommend to undergo a rehabilitation course with the use of David medical simulators since one of the reasons of spondyloarthrosis is the asymmetric muscle contraction, so treatment requires restoring the balance of the back pectoral muscle sling development.

All the simulators designed for the back treatment have a unique patented safe joints holder and special movement limiting stops for the untargeted muscles as well as movement amplitude and motility regulators. Such features ensure safety of your back during intensive training.

The treatment course with David simulators is unique not only because it corrects asymmetry, but also because in the course of the training the short muscles of the back are actively working.

When these muscles are toned they ensure stability and proper distance between vertebrae: interspinal and spinal muscles are located along the spinous processes of vertebra and intertransverse muscles are located across them.

When the distance between the vertebrae is decreasing, it forms a functional block and causes problems related to intervertebral joints. To avoid such conditions it is necessary to constantly keep these groups of short muscles of the back toned. Furthermore, proper working of these muscles is virtually impossible during usual physical exercising or in an ordinary fitness centre.

Nearly always spondylarthrosis is accompanied with spondylosis being one of osteohondrosis development stages. In this case fibrous rings of intervertebral discs go beyond the vertebrae. It leads to formation of osteophytes, i.e. bony prominences limiting movability of the disc. The next stage of spondylosis development is spondylolisthesis.

Spondylolisthesis is a condition arising from dislocation of the vertebral body relative to the other which is characterized by dull back pain upon load and rotation and bending down.

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