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Massage therapy

  1. IVR
  2. Fees and treatment
  3. Massage therapy

At the Institute of Vertebrology and Rehabilitation we do professional therapeutic massage. It allows you to work out the deep back muscles that support the spine. Thus, medical massage eliminates muscle spasms and fascial tension, which leads to back pain.

Varieties of the procedure

Relaxing massage is aimed only at relaxation of the body and practically does not contribute to the development of muscle clamps and direct treatment of the back.

Therapeutic massage is a medical procedure that a doctor must prescribe after a consultation. Depending on the diagnosis, the type of therapeutic massage may vary. For example, it may be strictly zonal (foot massage or neck massage) or extensive, exciting several areas (for example, massage of the entire back). It should be borne in mind that even if two patients are assigned a massage of the same zone, the technique of its implementation may vary, depending on the diagnosis and recommendations of the attending doctor.

At the Institute of Vertebrology and Rehabilitation you may be offered a massage:

  • back;
  • upper and lower limbs;
  • shoulder and shoulder areas;
  • areas of the hand and forearm;
  • hip area;
  • hip area;
  • foot and leg areas;
  • front surface of the chest;
  • head and neck.

What problems of the musculoskeletal system are indications for massage:

  • chronic (not sharp) back and neck pains;
  • chronic radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • neuralgia;
  • arthritis, etc.

Massage for radiculitis

Effective will be a therapeutic massage for radiculitis, but in combination with other methods of therapy. According to statistics, in 3/4 cases of radiculitis affects office workers and other people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Professional massage helps to cope with this problem, it improves blood circulation and nutrition of the tissues of the back, as well as muscle tone, but only if additional treatment is carried out. Monotherapy does not solve the problem of radiculitis, but only temporarily alleviates the patient's condition.

Massage for osteochondrosis

Pain in patients with intervertebral hernia and other pathological changes in the spine in the people decided to reduce to the concept of "osteochondrosis." Medical back massage is not a panacea for osteochondrosis, but can help to cope with pain, if used with other therapies, as is the case with radiculitis.

When is a back massage contraindicated?

Contraindications are absolute (for example, a tumor), as well as temporary. The doctor specifies the absolute contraindications during the collection of information about the patient's state of health at the initial consultation. Temporary contraindications are specified by a massage therapist before each individual session (for example, painful critical days for women may be a temporary contraindication for a hip joint massage).

The main contraindications are:

  • inflammatory, febrile, and purulent conditions;
  • tendency to bleeding internal organs;
  • hyper and hypotonic crises;
  • tumors;
  • cardiovascular diseases, etc.

Our staff has masseurs who have been working for more than 10 years. There are strict work standards and an internal training system for our doctors and medical massage specialists. In the case of each patient, the doctor is obliged to select an individual course of treatment and instruct the massage therapist, telling him which areas and methods to work with. The doctor always oversees the process of therapeutic massage and makes its own adjustments depending on the dynamics of the process.

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