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Back pain

  1. IVR
  2. Diseases and conditions
  3. Back pain

20% discount for military personnel

Patients often ignore the problem and live with pain and discomfort for years. As practice shows, this approach can cause significant harm to health.

Firstly, the disease in the advanced stage is more difficult to treat.

Secondly, pain in the bones and joints can be a manifestation of a latent inflammatory process in the body, which can further cause complications.

Causes of back pain

"My back hurts" - this single symptom can hide a multitude of diseases.

Causes of back pain can include:

  • Trauma or overload: Damage to muscles, ligaments, and/or tendons can lead to acute pain that can last from a few days to several weeks. Military personnel often experience this due to systemic, uncontrolled, and prolonged loads, wearing protective gear, and their lifestyle.
  • Spinal diseases: Such as osteochondrosis, intervertebral disc herniation, and protrusion can cause back pain. These diseases can lead to inflammation, irritation, or compression of the nerve roots, which can lead to pain, weakness, numbness, or tingling in the back, legs, or arms.
  • Posture disorders: Scoliosis, kyphosis, and lordosis can lead to increased stress on the muscles and ligaments of the back, which can lead to pain.
  • Neurological causes: Affect the nerve roots that exit the spine (radiculitis, sciatica, stenosis, etc.).
  • Psychosomatic factors: Such as stress, psychological and mental problems can lead to muscle tension and contribute to back pain.

Other causes:

  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases.
  • Obesity can put extra strain on the spine and cause pain.
  • Pregnancy can lead to changes in posture and excessive strain on the back muscles.
  • Diseases of internal organs and others.

What to do if you have back pain?


Back pain can occur for various reasons and manifest itself with both vivid symptoms and weaker ones. Although the nature of pain usually differs with different pathologies, it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis based on subjective sensations; a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Treatment of spinal and joint diseases


Back pain can occur for various reasons and manifest itself with both vivid symptoms and weaker ones. Although the nature of pain usually differs with different pathologies, it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis based on subjective sensations; a doctor's consultation is necessary.


Here are some additional details that can be included in the translation:


  • Back pain is a common problem that affects people of all ages.
  • There are many different causes of back pain, including muscle strain, injury, and spinal disorders.
  • The severity of back pain can vary from mild to severe.
  • Back pain can be treated with a variety of methods, including medication, physical therapy, and surgery.


I hope this is helpful

Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe:

  • Manual therapy
  • Physiotherapy:
    • Magnetotherapy
    • Electrotherapy
    • Shock wave therapy
    • Ultrasound therapy
    • Super inductive magnetotherapy (SIS method)
    • High intensity laser therapy (HILT therapy)
  • Massage therapy
  • Kinesiotherapy:
    • Redcord system
    • David method
  • A set of special exercises
  • Medication therapy:
    • Therapeutic blocks
    • Other injection techniques
  • Etc.

The use of combinations of different methods allows to influence all links of the pathological process and ensure the best result.


Back Pain Prevention


Physical rehabilitation is one of the most important methods for treating and preventing diseases. Without strengthening the muscular corset, especially the deep stabilizing muscles of the spine, it is impossible to achieve long-term sustainable results.


In addition to special exercises and targeted work with a physical therapist, we also work with computerized medical David trainers. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that they allow you to assess the state of the muscles, calculate the necessary level of load, and provide tension for some muscles while keeping others relaxed.



What makes David medical exercise machines so smart?


Individual approach. David machines first measure your capabilities and then, based on the data obtained, create a workout program with a clearly calibrated, safe, and individually tailored load level, weight, amplitude, and so on.


Computerization. The entire system is computerized, so you can see your results on the screen. You can evaluate the dynamics of improvement on your own graph.


Asymmetry work. David machines can calculate and provide different loads/amplitudes for working with asymmetrically developed muscles. This helps to eliminate the causes of back pain.


Safety. David machines provide pinpoint accuracy and maximum safety thanks to the unique ability to programmatically limit the load and range of motion.


Remember, an unresolved back problem can lead to serious complications. Therefore, see a doctor in time.


You can find the current price list in the "Prices" section.

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