(‎050) 360-70-50 ‎(098) 360-70-50
Єдиний колл-центр в Києві
Пн-Пт: з 7:30 до 21:00
Сб: 8:00-20:00
Нд: 9:00-18:00


Rules of Internal Regulations


Dear Patient!

This document (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), approved by the Director of LLC "Institute of Vertebrology and Rehabilitation" (hereinafter referred to as the Institution or Medical Center), is a regulatory document that governs the internal regime and features of patient stay and service at the Medical Center. It ensures the proper therapeutic, sanitary, and epidemiological conditions of the medical facility.

The Rules are developed based on the Law of Ukraine "Fundamentals of Ukrainian Health Legislation," as well as regulations and orders of state authorities regulating healthcare activities.

The Rules are mandatory for all patients and visitors of the Medical Center. Each patient has the opportunity to review these Rules in the consumer information section.


In accordance with current legislation, the process of providing medical services (assistance) is recorded in medical documentation. All medical records related to your treatment are the property of LLC "Institute of Vertebrology and Rehabilitation." If diagnostic test results or expert conclusions from other medical institutions are required for diagnosis, treatment planning, or quality control, they are attached to the patient’s medical record and become an integral part of it.

Information about a patient’s stay at the Medical Center, including personal data, diagnosis, and medical interventions, is considered confidential and can only be accessed by the patient or their authorized representatives with proper documentation, except in cases specified by law.

Medical information about the patient may be disclosed in the following cases:

  • To parents (adoptive parents), guardians, or caregivers regarding a minor’s health condition (Art. 285, Part 2 of the Civil Code of Ukraine; Art. 39 of the "Fundamentals of Ukrainian Health Legislation").

  • If the patient consents to the disclosure (Art. 21, Part 2 of the "Law on Information").

  • In court proceedings when such information is necessary for legal purposes. Disclosure may be requested through a petition for evidence retrieval (Art. 137 of the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine).

  • When withholding the information poses a significant threat to the health and life of the patient or others (e.g., in cases of dangerous infectious diseases).

  • When involving other specialists in the treatment process who require access to medical data.

The patient must provide accurate personal data required for registration in the Institute’s Medical Information System (MIS), including full name, contact number, postal and email address, and date of birth.

Each patient's medical record is the property of the Medical Center and is kept for the duration of observation and medical service provision, followed by archival storage for five years.

Documents Issued During a Doctor’s Consultation:

  • Form No. 028/o – "Consultative Specialist’s Conclusion."

  • Form No. 028/o – "Referral for Examination" (if needed).

  • Prescription Form No. 1 (if needed).

A patient may request Form No. 027/o – "Extract from the Outpatient Card" at least one day in advance through the contact center or reception administrator.

Upon written request, patients or their legal representatives may obtain copies of medical documents, including:

  • Copy of Form No. 028/o – "Consultative Specialist’s Conclusion."

  • Copy of Form No. 028/o – "Referral for Examination."

  • Copy of Form No. 003-6/o – "Informed Voluntary Consent."

  • Copy/Duplicate of Form No. 027/o – "Extract from the Outpatient Card."

Documents and their copies are issued only upon presenting identification.

Any information published on the Institute’s official website or other online resources is for informational purposes only and cannot be considered medical documentation or a directive for application to the patient.


Appointments at the Medical Center are made in advance via the contact center or at the reception desk, either on the same day or several days before the desired visit.

Same-day appointments without prior booking are possible only if the specialist’s schedule has available slots.

Patients can obtain preliminary information about available services, pricing, payment options, and other details from the Medical Center’s administrators in person or by phone.

When booking an appointment, the patient can select the day and time from the available slots provided by the administrator.

Rules for Appointments:

  • Patients must arrive at the Medical Center at the scheduled time.

  • If a patient needs to reschedule, they must notify the administrator at least one day in advance.

  • If appointments are systematically canceled without prior notice, the Medical Center reserves the right to cancel future bookings. Future appointments will only be allowed one at a time.

  • Patients who repeatedly (two or more times) arrive late or miss appointments without prior notice may be refused further services.

  • If a patient is more than 10 minutes late, all procedures may need to be rescheduled for the next available appointment.


Medical intervention affects the unique biological system of the human body, and its results cannot be fully guaranteed. The effectiveness of treatment (diagnostics) depends on the patient’s adherence to the doctor’s recommendations.

Medical intervention (diagnosis, prevention, or treatment methods that affect the human body) is only permitted with the patient’s Informed Voluntary Consent, except in cases of direct threat to life when consent cannot be obtained.

For patients under 14 years old or those legally recognized as incapacitated, medical intervention requires the written consent of their legal representatives. For patients aged 14 to 18, both the patient and their legal representative must sign the consent.

The selection or assignment of a treating physician is based on the patient’s reason for visiting and the specialist’s schedule.

According to the Ukrainian law "Fundamentals of Health Legislation," medical intervention at a healthcare facility is carried out only by a doctor’s prescription. No medical service (including therapeutic massage) can be provided solely at the patient’s request without a doctor’s prescription.

If a patient interrupts treatment for more than two weeks, they must undergo a follow-up consultation before resuming treatment.

For long-term rehabilitation (e.g., kinesiotherapy, therapeutic massage, shockwave therapy), patients must undergo a follow-up consultation every six months.

The Institute prohibits patients from using their own medications for injection by the Institute’s doctors due to safety and quality control concerns.


All services at the Medical Center are paid services. The cost of medical and related services is listed in the Institute’s Price List, available in the consumer information section.

Payments can be made in cash or via cashless transactions.

Payment for treatment is required after each visit. For bank transfers, treatment is provided only after prepayment.

Discounts may be available per the Discount Policy, which is posted in the consumer information section.

Patients with health insurance should confirm payment options with their insurance provider before beginning treatment.

A patient cannot refuse to pay for services already provided or request a refund for services rendered.

The provision of medical services is confirmed by a Service Delivery Act signed by both parties. If this Act is not completed, payment for services serves as confirmation of their delivery.

Prices and the structure of the price list may change, with updates available at the reception desk or on the website. Prepaid services remain valid for 24 months; after this period, prices will be adjusted according to the current price list.
