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The Institute of Vertebrology and Rehabilitation concluded a partnership agreement with the Ski Federation of Ukraine

  1. IVR
  2. News
  3. The Institute of Vertebrology and Rehabilitation concluded a partnership agreement with the Ski Federation of Ukraine

The Institute of Vertebrology and Rehabilitation concluded a partnership agreement with the Federation of Skiing of Ukraine in the framework of cooperation with the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine. The goal of the partnership is to promote the development of the Olympic movement in Ukraine and provide medical support in the direction of physical rehabilitation of athletes.

Professional sports always require special attention to the health of athletes. In skiing, special attention is required precisely by the locomotor system.

The Institute of Vertebrology and Rehabilitation began work with athletes-skiers using a special Finnish-German method and unique in Ukraine computerized training equipment David on the basis of the Center for Strengthening the Spine and Rehabilitation of Joints.

Specialists of the Institute have introduced a program for the rehabilitation of athletes of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service, which already shows certain results today. Using high-tech equipment allows you to systematically monitor the improvement of physical performance.

Our goal is to provide an opportunity for Ukrainian athletes to receive high-quality medical assistance and undergo physical rehabilitation of the European level for the sake of the high achievements of Ukrainian sport!

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