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Doctors of the Vertebrology and Rehabilitation Institute will cooperate with the main orthodontist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

  1. IVR
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  3. Doctors of the Vertebrology and Rehabilitation Institute will cooperate with the main orthodontist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Doctors of the Vertebrology and Rehabilitation Institute will cooperate with the main orthodontist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

In Kiev on April 1, the doctors of the Institute of Vertebrology and Rehabilitation held a comprehensive meeting with the President of the National Association of Orthodontists of Ukraine, the chief orthodontist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the head of the orthodontics department of the Kyiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after PL Shupik, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Dragomiretskaya Miroslava Stepanovna.

The meeting examined the features of treatment of patients with musculo-articular dysfunction, the relationship between vertebrology and orthodontics, the effect of dentoalveolar disorders on the health of the back. For example, if you correct the pathology of the lower jaw in time, you can significantly adjust the posture. Conversely, with congenital and acquired orthopedic pathologies, there is a direct relationship with impairment of the occlusion in a person with a problem back.

The meeting was rich and fruitful, a partnership was established between the Vertebrology and Rehabilitation Institute and Dragomiretskaya Clinic: doctors from both clinics will exchange experience on an ongoing basis. Already in the near future the doctors of the Institute will conduct joint receptions with the specialists of the Dragomiretsky clinic in Lviv.

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