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How not to treat your back: debunking 7 common myths

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  3. How not to treat your back: debunking 7 common myths

Myth number 1. Diseases of the back are treated independently

Pain in the back arises suddenly and, of course, not on time. In the course are all the means: recommendations of relatives, acquaintances, advice from Internet resources, where there is a lot of unverified information. But the most correct decision - visiting a doctor - is remembered last. Meanwhile, consultation with an experienced vertebrologist is the first step in the treatment of back problems. It is dangerous to start self-treatment, not understanding the principles of the spine and the relationship of all its elements (vertebrae, intervertebral discs, ligaments and muscles).

The doctor will appoint auxiliary types of examinations (X-rays, MRI) if there are fears about the presence of pathology: periodic pain that appears without any physical exertion and does not disappear when taking pain medication, instability in any part of the spine, fear of vertebral fracture.

After the first consultation, the specialist will prescribe a course of treatment that will be effective for a particular problem. The course of treatment includes the following methods:

  • massotherapy;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Correction;
  • injection therapy;
  • mechanotherapy (exercises on medical simulators).

Myth number 2. After fractures, surgeries and injuries, you need to limit yourself to physical activity and move less

Doctors of most medical institutions advise less to move after the operation. But if a person is stationary for several weeks or some limb is immobilized - the muscles of the body or a separate zone are atrophied, their strength and tone become worse, and the blood circulation is disturbed.

The standard recovery period after surgery is 2-3 months. At this stage, various medical methods are used, according to the doctor's prescription: therapeutic massages, physiotherapy and other procedures.

In some cases, small loads are allowed already in the second and third week of the postoperative period. At this time, the doctor recommends exercising exercise therapy under the supervision of a vertebrologist or therapeutic exercise on medical simulators. After such sparing loads, the patient's muscle tone increases, and blood circulation improves.

Myth number 3. Effective remedy for back diseases - exercises on the bar: "vis" and "twists"

Doing "twists", you can at times increase the pressure in the intervertebral disk. As a consequence, such diseases of the spine are aggravated, which a person does not even suspect (for example, painless hernia or protrusion).

"Vis" benefits a healthy person: during this exercise the spine is stretched, the muscles are in a state of relaxation. But you need not forget to jump right off the bar. When a person suffers from back pain or if there is a risk of rupturing the disc ring, exercise is dangerous. The intervertebral disc can be injured.

Myth number 4. Swimming and yoga classes are alternative treatments

Both classes are an excellent prevention of back problems, but not by methods of treatment.

Swimming increases muscle tone and does not overload the spine. But it can harm with inflammation, trauma or pathology, and also will not be effective for back pain.

Yoga classes are very popular today, but before visiting them you need to consult a vertebrologist. During training, ligaments and joint muscles are stretched, and if they have not received any load before, the stretching is due to micro-snags in the fibers of the tissues.

If the intervertebral discs are injured, some individual movements of yoga (for example, twisting) can damage the spine. Sometimes, before starting to practice yoga, doctors recommend to undergo a course of treatment. Especially, if various diseases of the spine were diagnosed (hernia, osteochondrosis, protrusion, etc.). The standard course consists of massage, correction and other methods.

Myth number 5. Treatment of the back helps corsets, warming belts and ointments

The corset is designed to temporarily fix that area of ​​the spine (for example, in sports), in which problems were found. But using it is always harmful to health. Paravertebral small muscles can atrophy, as a result, one of the spine sections will become less stable. In the future, a person can not do without a corset.

Warming belts and ointments should be used only on the advice of a doctor. Usually they do not harm health, but with severe pain, interstitial edema, and also radicular or myotonic syndromes can worsen health.

Myth number 6. In diseases of the back, it is useful to steam out in a bath

Staying in a bath in the presence of problems with the back can damage the spine. Humidity and high temperature lead to increased interstitial edema. Soft tissues "swell" and pinch the end of the nerve, where there is protrusion or hernia. As a consequence, - the emergence or intensification of pain, the disappearance of sensitivity in some areas, numbness of tissues.

Myth number 7. Pregnant women should not exercise

If a woman has previously swung a press and trained her back, her spine is more stable. During pregnancy, it will be easier to cope with the increasing stresses and to postpone the birth process.

In the absence of regular exercise or exercise before pregnancy, the presence of scoliosis, protrusions or other diseases of the spine, a pregnant woman needs to undergo a course of therapeutic physical exercises under the supervision of a rehabilitation specialist. This will help to transfer labor more easily, and also to avoid acute complications with joints and back after them.


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