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Since April 13, you can apply for a course of rehabilitation with the help of the Finnish-German method David at the branch in Andryushchenko street 7/19!

  1. IVR
  2. News
  3. Since April 13, you can apply for a course of rehabilitation with the help of the Finnish-German method David at the branch in Andryushchenko street 7/19!

Another "Center for Strengthening the Spine and Rehabilitation of the Joints" was opened, on Andryushchenko 7/19! Now you can choose where it is more convenient for you to work on David's medical simulators: at the branch in Baggovutovskaya Street, or on Andryushchenko Street.

In the branch of Andryushchenko there is a line of David specializing in the treatment of diseases of the back and neck. Those who need treatment of the joints of the upper and lower extremities can undergo a course of treatment on specialized lines that are only available at the Baggovutovskaya street, 23.

The course of lessons on computerized simulators using David's technique allows you to work deep muscles of the back and permanently fix the result obtained in treatment and rehabilitation, which can not be done with conventional fitness equipment.

This method does not allow subjectivity in the diagnosis, appointment and conduct of a course of treatment: the program is made as a result of careful computer testing of the patient and is adjusted as it progresses.

The technique is effective and absolutely safe due to the isolation of muscles that do not have to work, and feeding for every group of deep muscles a feasible load.

We are waiting for you in the new "Center for Strengthening the Spine and Rehabilitation of the Joints" on Andryushchenko 7/19!

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