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Back massage: why is it necessary?

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  3. Back massage: why is it necessary?

A widespread problem - back pain, most often occurs as a result of chronic muscle spasm of the deep structures of the muscular corset of the spine. The owner of this pathology can be just one month, doing the same job and loading the same muscles every day. This applies even to prolonged sitting at the computer: there is no physical stress, but there is a constant static load on the same muscle group. It only appears that the provoking factor (hypothermia, additional physical stress or even stress) and the pathology will immediately manifest as pain in the back. The special techniques of therapeutic massage will cope with this problem.

What is useful therapeutic massage for back pain?

Therapeutic massage allows you to remove excess tone from the muscular-ligament corset of the spine, promotes the production of biologically active substances, tissue hormones, accelerates metabolic processes in tissues and throughout the body. As a result - the correct posture, and less vulnerable backbone.

Therapeutic massage is also a good prevention of back pain. Periodic preventive courses of therapeutic deep massage help restore elasticity of muscles, ligaments and fascia, improve blood circulation in all structures of the back and spine, among others. For a better effect, they are carried out in conjunction with kinesiotherapy - treatment with motion.

How does a therapeutic massage work?

During the therapeutic massage, the spasmodic muscles are first stimulated, and then relaxed, trigger points are also worked out - areas of muscles, tendons or attachment sites that support excessive muscular tension. With prolonged muscle spasm develops myofascial syndrome - a stable pathological condition of the muscular structures, which can be eliminated only by special techniques of therapeutic myofascial massage.

To whom is the therapeutic back massage contraindicated?

Therapeutic massage is suitable for almost everyone. The exception is patients with cancer, in which metabolic processes and blood circulation can not be stimulated, as well as skin pathologies (rashes, dermatitis, folliculitis, etc.).

When is the therapeutic massage not enough?

For effective treatment of spinal diseases and back pain, massage is only part of therapy, one of the methods that performs its part of the therapeutic effect. In most cases, other procedures are required to supplement it. In particular, manual and osteopathic techniques help restore mobility in the joints of the spine. To eliminate the inflammatory process, sometimes anti-inflammatory, as well as other medication. At the Institute of Vertebrology and Rehabilitation we use a facilitated technique of manual therapy - orthopedic correction, which has a soft, gentle and dosed effect on the spine.

Therapeutic massage for back pain in the Institute of Vertebrology and Rehabilitation

In the Institute of Vertebrology and Rehabilitation, our special therapeutic massage techniques allow us to effectively work out the deep back muscles that are part of the muscular corset of the spine and which are not affected by classical massage. Massage is performed by specialists who have a medical education and are trained in the technique of special myofascial massage.

The course of therapeutic massage consists of 5-15 sessions, an average of 25 minutes each. This time, it is necessary for a qualitative and simultaneously dosed effect on the necessary parts of the back. In the case of therapeutic massage, the rule "the more, the better" does not work and can have a negative effect.

The patient visits the masseur daily or every other day. The frequency and frequency of the massage can vary individually. The patient is relieved quite often after the first-second procedure.

For more effective treatment of pain in the back, we combine massages with mechanotherapy - the most modern, high-tech version of kinesiotherapy. She assumes classes on highly effective modern simulators David. This is a Finnish-German method, which allows you to correctly distribute and dose the load on all the muscles of the back and the structure of the spine. A course of 24 sessions every six months is enough to work out all necessary zones and, thus, reduce the risk of formation of hernias and protrusions of intervertebral discs.

The Institute of Vertebrology and Rehabilitation is the leader in the treatment of spine diseases with conservative (non-surgical) methods for 17 years. In more than 95% of cases, the patients of the Institute manage to achieve stable remission, restore the volume of movements, and as a result, improve the quality of life in diseases of the spine.

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