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Is the chiropractor good or evil?

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  3. Is the chiropractor good or evil?

We all heard of such a strange profession as a chiropractor. And very differently, it includes different categories of people. Some consider them as wizards and rescuers, others as horsebacks who cripple unhappy patients.

Why are public opinions so divided?

It all depends on the methods of the specialist. In its essence, the manipulations that this specialist performs are orthopedic correction, the purpose of which is to restore mobility and the anatomical relationship between the vertebrae. There are various techniques of orthopedic correction, which differ in the degree of risk, approaches and strength of their impact.

In particular, the “classics” of manual therapy are considered rotational methods of influence on the spine, which involve the use of twisting movements and significant force effects. Being quite effective in capable hands, they still belong to aggressive techniques and have a number of contraindications, and besides, they can be very painful. That is why we have heard so much that manual therapy is very scary and painful.

What are the risks

Improper implementation of rotational manual therapy techniques and unrecorded contraindications can lead to spinal injuries (fracture or rupture of ligaments), hypermobility of the spinal segment, compression (compression) of the radicular structures. In the neurosurgery departments, unfortunately, you can even meet patients who are paralyzed after unsuccessful attempts to “right the disk” with aggressive methods. That is why the stories about bone marketers appeared that cripple people and discredit manual therapy as such.

How to choose a specialist?

The main difficulty lies in the fact that sometimes a manual therapist or vertebrologist calls themselves specialists without the necessary medical education and in-depth knowledge of anatomy, which are the most important criteria in this case. Therefore, you must be absolutely confident in the qualification of a specialist and his relevant education and experience. This profession is called ORTHOPED TRAUMATOLOGIST. NOT a chiropractor, and even NOT a manual therapist and vertebrologist (officially there are no such medical specialties, these are just areas of medicine, and not a confirmed specialization in a diploma).

This does not mean at all that manual therapy is bad, or that vertebrology is pseudoscience. On the contrary, vertebrology is the most important area at the junction of two specialties (orthopedics and neurology). It is the combination of this knowledge and skills that allows the vertebrologist to achieve a high level of effectiveness in the treatment of the spine. And manual therapy is one of its main tools. By the way, manual therapy is by no means a correction in its pure form (“set the disk”), as is commonly believed. Manual therapy is a much broader concept. In fact, this is all that a doctor and a masseur does with his hands.

Therefore, when choosing a doctor to whom you plan to entrust your health, make sure that your chiropractor or vertebrologist has a medical education with the appropriate specialization.

In this case, of course, there are many highly qualified doctors with vast experience, owning various methods of manual therapy, including rotational ones, and can weigh all the risks and benefits, choosing the necessary technique. Thanks to the professionals in their field, manual therapy, in particular orthopedic correction, has earned its trust among patients, in spite of everything.

Not all manual therapy techniques are aggressive and risky!

Specialists of the Institute of Vertebrology apply orthopedic correction using the “short lever method”. This is a soft technique that completely eliminates the rotational mechanism of action on the spine and provides for very precise manipulations on the blocked segments. This is a safe, practically painless and very effective procedure that allows you to unlock the immobilized segment and restore normal motor function of the entire spine.

Correction is not a panacea!

You should not hope that the orthopedic correction will immediately relieve the pain and the disease will recede. This is not a magic wand and it is not omnipotent. Rather, it is an ambulance, which, in combination with other methods of treatment, will ease your condition and allow you to work on yourself for a healthy back, in a calmer mode. A healthy back is a strong back!

Yes, it is your work that will be the decisive stage, which will either help you cure the disease and not remember about it for a long time, or return to treatment over and over again in a state of exacerbation and “adjust disks”. Indeed, without strengthening the muscular corset, and especially, the deep muscles-stabilizers of the spine, the efforts of doctors can come to naught after careless movement or lifting a heavy burden.

Treat your back with care! Do not wait for an aggravation to give it attention. Do not wait when she “asks” for help with acute pain - provide your back with a strong muscular foundation that will hold it for many years. But this foundation is not eternal and requires constant care - regular metered exercise. This should be the same binding habit as brushing your teeth. Believe me, these recommendations will have the weight of gold when you will be nursing grandchildren and great-grandchildren, holding them in your arms or riding a bicycle!

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